Diets for cardiovascular health

What does the latest science say about diets for cardiovascular disease risk reduction? Why is important to look at the whole diet instead of individual foods and nutrients? In this live webinar, Lily Henderson and Professor Catherine Itsiopoulos will discuss the latest on diets for cardiovascular health. Lily will cover different dietary patterns and the features […]

The future of health is lifestyle as medicine

Webinars The future of health is lifestyle as medicine Is Lifestyle Medicine part of the solution to the chronic disease burden in Australia? Find out how Lifestyle Medicine presents an opportunity to enhance care and improve patient outcomes when it comes to chronic and lifestyle-related disease. Haven’t heard of Lifestyle Medicine? We will be outlining […]

Is the end of bulk billing the beginning of Lifestyle Medicine?

Webinars Is the end of bulk billing the beginning of Lifestyle Medicine? The healthcare system is overwhelmed, and projections can be frightening. Held live on 6 October 2022, this webinar takes a dive into the current Australian healthcare situation, demographics, future projections, operational challenges, and financial processes affecting healthcare. We discussed challenges ahead of us for the […]

Sleep matters

Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Held live on 29 September 2022, this webinar reviewed aspects of sleep from a neurobiological perspective, to help attendees better understand how quality and quantity of sleep affects both physical and mental health. Practical strategies to optimise sleep ‘health’, strengthen innate sleep drive and circadian rhythm from this neurobiological […]

Weight conversations and changing the perspective on obesity

Webinars Weight conversations and changing the perspective on obesity Obesity is an important societal topic that is misunderstood and often oversimplified in communications. In the ten years to 2018, the number of adults in Australia living with obesity more than doubled. Our efforts haven’t been working. However, there are strong social, genetic, biological, and environmental […]

An introduction to Lifestyle Medicine and planetary health

An introduction to Lifestyle Medicine and planetary health Held live on 2 March 2022, this webinar was designed for medical and health professional students. It provided attendees with an introduction to Lifestyle Medicine and how diet, physical activity, sleep, stress management, social connectedness and other factors can be used to prevent, treat and reverse chronic […]

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Exercise and mental health: How Accredited Exercise Physiologists interact in the mental health field

Exercise and mental health: How Accredited Exercise Physiologists interact in the mental health field This webinar forms part of a live webinar series whereby recordings are made available online exclusively to ASLM Members. To gain access, please log in to your account or if you are not yet a member, please join here.

This webinar forms part of a live webinar series whereby recordings are made available online exclusively to ASLM Members. To gain access, please log in to your account or if you are not yet a member, please join here.

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