Endorsement application


This is where you can pay the application fee and submit your application for endorsement. The fee covers the time taken to process and conduct due diligence on an application for endorsement.

How to apply

We recommend preparing your application responses in a separate document before filling in the online form so that your application can be saved.

To pay the application fee and submit your application, please fill in the application form below, click ‘add to cart’ (at the bottom of the form) and follow the prompts.

Application Process

Once your application has been submitted you will receive an email confirmation including a tax invoice/receipt and a copy of your application. Please allow up to 10 business days for your application to be processed.


For any enquiries about endorsement or the application process please contact the ASLM office via info@lifestylemedicine.org.au or ph 1300 673 643.

  • Approx. one or two paragraphs.
  • For example:
    How is the activity delivered?
    What are the expected outcomes of the activity?
    Are there prerequisites for being accepted into the activity?
    What is the duration of the activity?
    What is the cost to participate in the activity?
    Are metrics measured?
    Is support provided?
    Is there a follow-up assessment?
    Do participants receive a completion or statement of attendance?
    If selecting 'other' please provide details in the free comments section at the end of the form.
  • 1. The activity is conducted in accordance with Commonwealth and State legislation and holds insurances as appropriate for the activity
    2. The activity has adopted guidelines or a code of practice
    3. The activity meets all national, state and peak body expectations, guidelines and standards
    4. The venue, location or manner of undertaking the activity meets recognised occupational health and safety legislation and other accepted guidelines or standards
  • Any other comments you would like to share.
  • For example:
    *Activity code of practice
    *Activity organisation insurance
    *Evidence to support the activity - evaluation frameworks, annual reports, evaluation documents, qualifications of personnel, an example of participant attendance certificate - names of participants to be removed)
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 80 MB.

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