
Lifestyle Medicine Endorsement

ASLM is proud to announce that endorsement is now available for programs, services, resources, tools, apps and similar (collectively referred to as ‘activities’) that help practitioners to help their patients or clients, and that help people to take charge of their own health, prevent, manage and reverse chronic and lifestyle-related disease, and improve health, society and environment.

Are you running or developing a program or service that:
  • Improves the health and wellbeing of the public?
  • Assists practitioners to improve the health of their patients?
  • Promotes the principles of Lifestyle Medicine?

Then Lifestyle Medicine Endorsement is for you and will provide your program or service with valuable exposure and endorsement by the peak body in the field.

Aims of endorsement

The endorsement program seeks to further the aims and objectives of the Society; in brief, to promote awareness, understanding, and uptake of the principles and applications of Lifestyle Medicine in health policy, healthcare, society, community, and environment.

Benefits of endorsement
  • Endorsement by the peak Lifestyle Medicine organisation in Australasia
  • Endorsement badging for use in connection with the activity
  • Public trust of the quality/standing of the endorsed activity
  • Association with the growing Lifestyle Medicine movement
  • Listing and promotion of the activity by ASLM through our media (details below)
    • Promotional support provided by ASLM (at our editorial discretion) includes:

      • A listing on a summary page of endorsed activities at https://lifestylemedicine.org.au/endorsed (logo, 50-100 words, link)
        • This page currently presents examples of activities we will endorse. In the near future this page will become a searchable directory of endorsed activities.
      • Regular exposure of endorsed programs in our EDM (approx 10,000 circulation) and via our social media channels
      • Specific exposure of endorsed activities at our annual conference and other large scale events
      • Ongoing exposure to our audience, stakeholders and extended networks

What we will endorse

The activities we will endorse exemplify the principles and applications of Lifestyle Medicine, or promote awareness, understanding, and uptake of Lifestyle Medicine.

The focus of the endorsement program is currently on activities that help people take charge of their own health, prevent, manage and reverse chronic and lifestyle-related disease, and improve health, society and environment.

Examples of the programs and services we will endorse are shown here.

  • Programs
  • Services
  • Processes
  • Resources
  • Tools
  • Apps
  • Courses*

*Except where this could imply endorsement of the ‘level’ of a course in a way that is not seen as appropriate or sufficient.

  • Individuals – individuals can pursue Board Certification and Fellowship
  • Organisations – organisations can apply to become Organisational Members of the Society (although in the course of issuing endorsement, part of the due diligence requires us to consider the standing of the people and organisations who are providing the activities.
  • Products (except where there is a particular basis for ASLM to do so)
  • Courses where endorsement could imply that ASLM endorses the ‘level’ of the credential in a way that is not seen as appropriate or sufficient.
  • Unlike some other endorsement programs, ASLM will not endorse on a ‘best in class’ basis. For example, endorsement of a product or service that is more healthy/appropriate than other products in a class of unhealthy/inappropriate products will not be considered.

Cost of endorsement

The application for endorsement fee is $990 ($880 for members) inc GST. This fee is for processing the application, conducting due diligence and is non-refundable if unsuccessful. Our due diligence is described in the standards framework below. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact us ahead of making an application to discuss the opportunity and to ask questions.

Following successful due diligence, an annual endorsement fee will be assessed for the first 3 years, and can be discussed before committing. This fee is for the ongoing benefits of Society endorsement described above and to be fair, needs to take into account that large scale or large margin activities (eg: high value services, or state-based or national activities) will likely benefit more from national endorsement than small scale local activities, and may be more able to contribute to the cost of the endorsement program, the aim of which is to make Lifestyle Medicine more accessible to the general public, in line with ASLM’s charitable purposes.

Therefore as part of the application for endorsement, you will be asked to estimate the annual turnover (or equivalent measure of retail value) of the activity. However, at the same time, we acknowledge that endorsement fees must be seen as quite low, otherwise they will be a disincentive to participate in the program. So as a guide, the annual fee starts at $495 inc GST for most activities, increasing on a sliding scale based on a number of metrics. On acceptance of the annual endorsement fee by the applicant, endorsement can commence for an initial period of up to 3 years.

The Board may reduce the application and endorsement fees for not-for-profit activities or in special situations.

How to apply for endorsement

To apply for ASLM Lifestyle Medicine Endorsement, please complete the online application form.

A summary of the application requirements is as follows:

    • Payment of a non-refundable application fee
    • Submission of the following details via the application form (link above)
      • Name and contact details of activity to be endorsed (program, service, course, event, product, etc)
      • Names and qualifications of individuals involved
      • Names of organisations involved
      • Description of activity
      • Estimate of the number of people/practitioners likely to access the activity over the next year
      • Evidence base or rationale for the activity (where applicable)
      • Show how the activity serves Lifestyle Medicine in relation to ASLM’s aims & objectives
      • Categorisation by pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, conditions addressed and audiences
      • Estimate of theoretical annual turnover/expenses of the activity for the next year
      • Regulatory requirements such as insurance, code of practice, occupational health and safety legislations for activity venue
      • Activity evaluation including measures for quality improvement
      • Supporting documents, examples of the activity as needed to support the application

    Full details of application requirements can be viewed here.

Use of the endorsement badge

A document describing how the badge may be used will be provided to successful applicants. By way of example, endorsement badges must not be used in such a way as to imply endorsement of an organisation or individual. They must be placed in such a way as to endorse the activity only. Any electronic use of the logos must link to https://lifestylemedicine.org.au/endorsed. This page explains endorsement to the public, and currently presents examples of activities we will endorse with a logo, description and a link to the endorsed activity. In the near future this page will become a searchable directory of endorsed activities.

Endorsement standards framework


This document outlines the principles and standards for endorsement of an activity by ASLM.

Conceptually, endorsement by ASLM operates in a similar fashion to the common ‘tick’ approach; in our case utilising a ‘Lifestyle Medicine Endorsed’ badge or tick graphic.

On receipt of an application for endorsement, ASLM will conduct due diligence and if satisfied that the proposed endorsement reflects ASLM’s values and messaging, serves ASLM’s aims and objectives, and that the applicant individual/s and/or organisation/s (the “applicant”) is in good standing, will then offer terms for endorsement (the “endorsement”).

Endorsement is usually granted on a 3 x 1 year basis, e.g.: renewable each year for up to three years, subject to the activity, applicant, and endorsement remaining in good standing.

ASLM retains the right not to renew any endorsement where the ASLM Board believes the activity no longer complies with the endorsement standards. Otherwise, renewal will not be unreasonably withheld.


There are three standards underpinning endorsement:

Standard 1: The activity is consistent with the values, key messages, and aims and objectives of ASLM

    • The activity is consistent with ASLM’s mission, vision and values, and serves one or more of ASLM’s aims and objectives
    • Endorsement of the activity will not confuse or detract from ASLM’s messaging nor negatively affect perception of ASLM or ASLM’s standing with industry, government or community

Standard 2: The activity is managed and conducted by a reputable organisation and/or individuals

    • The applicant conducts its business according to Commonwealth and State legislation and holds insurances as appropriate for the activity
    • The applicant has adopted a code of practice, guidelines or quality improvement processes for the activity as appropriate
    • The activity meets all national, state and peak body expectations, guidelines and standards
    • The venue, location or manner of undertaking the activity meets recognised occupational health and safety legislation and other accepted guidelines or standards
    • Ownership of the activity is clear, financial interests transparent, and conflicts of interest declared
    • Personnel associated with the activity are appropriately qualified and experienced

Standard 3:  The activity is developed, formulated, promoted, delivered, etc in an exemplary manner

  • The activity’s name, messaging aim and expected outcomes are realistic, fit for purpose and not misleading
  • The activity is evidence-based, and expected to be effective and safe
  • A record of completion or statement of attendance is provided where applicable
  • A framework is established for evaluation and quality improvement of the activity and there is evidence of implementation of such
  • Suitable annual reporting of aggregate data relating to the activity and of the evaluation and quality improvement process will be available

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