What people like: Communicating health in the online era This webinar forms part of a live webinar series whereby recordings are made available online exclusively to ASLM Members. To gain access, please log in to your account or if you are not yet a member, please join here.
Introducing Malpa’s Young Doctors for Life Program: A community-centred approach to achieving strong health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ASLM is excited to announce our collaboration with Malpa and their Young Doctors for Life Program! Malpa was founded to address the vast inequality in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. They […]
Mindfulness in children Meet Jaxon, a healthy 12 year old boy with longstanding concentration difficulties. He is disorganized, often submits assessments and homework late or incomplete. He gets in trouble frequently at school for calling out and losing his temper with peers. He is achieving at grade level for most subjects though his teacher feels […]
Webinars Taking Lifestyle Medicine from theory to practice Delivered in partnership with Southern Cross University, this live webinar will bring together a diverse range of experts to discuss how practitioners, policy makers and experts explore the challenges and opportunities to realise the full potential of Lifestyle Medicine in practice, beyond theory and education. Specifically, discussion […]
Prevent or delay 40% of dementia cases by addressing lifestyle factors: Here is what you need to know According to a recent report by the Lancet commission of dementia prevention, intervention and care, up to 40% of an individual’s risk of dementia is potentially modifiable1. But which are the factors that need to be addressed? […]
A prisoner of hope In a recent conversation with a dear friend, Gamilaraay educator Professor Bob Morgan, my spirit was lifted when he told me that after 50+ years of struggling for justice and equity for first nations’ people in Australia and overseas, that he remains ‘a prisoner of hope’ despite the glacial speed of […]
The importance of our breath and nasal breathing Short, shallow breathing often occurs when we are stressed. We often forget to use our nose and breathe in and out through our mouths instead. When we are stressed, we are often advised to draw in a big deep breath and take our time in exhalation. When […]
My patient is ambivalent about change. What can I do? The field of health coaching is growing rapidly worldwide1,2,3,4, including here in Australia. One element of the many skills developed as part of a coaching approach is the use of motivational interviewing5. MI first emerged as a means of supporting people to manage significant and […]
Deprescription in reversed type-2 diabetes melitus Evidence, now, abound that Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be successfully reversed, and maintained with non-pharmacological therapies1,2,3,4. Reversal of type 2 diabetes can be achieved with metabolic surgery, low-caloric diets and carbohydrate restriction4. Patients with type 2 diabetes presenting to a lifestyle physician for disease reversal can be a […]
Self-care for health professional students: Lifestyle Medicine, mindfulness & Monash University’s Health Enhancement Program It is amazing how little most health professional students are taught about lifestyle management, self-care and mindfulness throughout their training. This deficit in training has a number of negative implications. Such skills are central to training the informed, competent and safe […]