Webinar: Weight conversations and changing the perspective on obesity


Attend this webinar to learn more about the complexities and science of obesity and implications for conversations on weight management.

Obesity is an important societal topic that is misunderstood and often oversimplified in communications. In the ten years to 2018, the number of adults in Australia living with obesity more than doubled. Our efforts haven’t been working. However, there are strong social, genetic, biological, and environmental influences to consider besides the more commonly discussed factors that influence obesity rates. Weight stigma, biases, and discrimination result from an oversimplified view of obesity as a simple personal choice. Additionally, stigma around obesity is correlated with considerable physical and mental health consequences.

Attend this webinar if you are:

  • Interested in personal and professional development
  • Working with people with obesity or who are overweight
  • Wanting to dive deeper into stigmas, mental health implications, and additional factors influencing common chronic diseases

About the presenter:

Tiffany Petre is currently the Director at Obesity Collective, which is a national platform for committed individuals and organisations from across the community who are passionate about taking on the obesity challenge together from a whole-of-society/systems approach.

Tiffany formerly worked as a consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Australia and Switzerland. Her clients included a broad range of public, private and NGO clients and had a particular focus on obesity, chronic diseases, cancer, and ageing. Tiffany has completed a Bachelor in Nutritional Sciences and an MBA.

All webinar attendees will be sent an electronic Certificate of Attendance for CPD purposes.

The views expressed and information shared in this episode are independent of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM). They do not necessarily reflect the position of ASLM. For further information on ASLM’s position, please review our position statements.

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