Webinar: Sleep Matters


Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. This live webinar will review aspects of sleep from a neurobiological perspective, to better understand how quality and quantity of sleep affects both physical and mental health. We will review practical strategies to optimise sleep ‘health’, strengthen innate sleep drive and circadian rhythm from this neurobiological perspective.

Learning topics: 

  • Aspects of sleep theory and functions of sleep
  • Sleep disorders
  • Effects of poor sleep on physical and mental health
  • Strategies to regulate arousal and normalise sleep-drive/circadian rhythm, including neurobiological rationale

Attend this webinar if you are:

  • Interested in personal and professional development
  • Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs
  • Working with Whānau
  • Working within Communities

About the presenter:

Ruth Troughton is an experienced Physiotherapist, Leader, Innovator, Supervisor and Educator.  She has worked as a Physiotherapist in a range of different clinical areas (such as Older Persons Health, disability, musculoskeletal), with more than half her experience based in Mental Health. In her role as the Clinical Leader Physiotherapy, Specialist Mental Health Service, CDHB (2014-2020) she provided leadership in promoting awareness of neurobiological perspectives, including the integral role of physical health, trauma-informed care, well-being, and lifestyle practices for mental health.

Presenter qualifications: NZRP, Dip Phyty (Otago), BA (Mus) (UC), Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner (ASLM)

All webinar attendees will be sent an electronic Certificate of Attendance for CPD purposes.

The views expressed and information shared in this episode are independent of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM). They do not necessarily reflect the position of ASLM. For further information on ASLM’s position, please review our position statements.

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