Lifestyle Medicine 2024 [Conference Registration]


Lifestyle Medicine 2024
25 – 27 July 2024 | Adelaide Convention Centre | Adelaide, Australia

Join us at Lifestyle Medicine 2024 to unpack the ways in which Lifestyle Medicine can be used across healthcare and health landscapes. This conference will primarily focus on providing practical skills and equipping delegates to implement new learnings in practice.

Further details to be announced soon.

Super Early Bird (LM23 Delegates Only) Pricing:

Members: $599

Non-members: $720

Student members: $450

Please note – members and student members must be logged in to receive the member pricing.


  • The details below are for your conference name tag and/or the conference app.
  • For your conference name tag and/or the conference app
  • This should be the same as your ASLM account email address.
  • eg: GP, Dietitian, Exercise physiologist
  • Please provide so ASLM can upload your CPD directly if relevant
  • Please provide so ASLM can upload your CPD directly if relevant
  • With your permission, we will only share the following information: Your name, email address, organisation, profession and state/country.
  • Our catering is designed to be inclusive and to suit most dietary patterns. We will provide a delicious buffet of predominantly plant-based whole food, avoiding gluten and sugar where possible, with options for omnivores, vegetarians, vegans, and low carbers. Ingredients used in dishes are carefully considered to be suitable to most attendees, dishes will be labelled and salad dressings or condiments served on the side where possible. If you have a very specific diet, allergies or intolerances, please describe your specific needs below and we will arrange this with the hotel. Please also let us know of any other special consideration you may require.

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