Fellowship RPL application and enrolment

$165.00 every 6 months and a $220.00 sign-up fee

Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Fellowship enrolment


  • $385 application/enrolment (members only)
  • Renews each 6 months for $165 (cancel anytime)


  • Assessment of your RPL application by our Education Coordinator
  • 6 months Fellowship candidature with access to:
    • Education Area of the website for learning resources
    • Education Coordinator to assist your candidature

Next Steps:

Once payment has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation of your order along with instructions regarding next steps and accessing the Education Resources section of the ASLM website.

Please note: ASLM Fellowship is only open to Full Members of the Society. Please ensure you already have an active membership at the time of applying (or apply at the same time) to avoid having your application put on hold.

  • eg: GP, Dietitian, Exercise physiologist

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