The powerful role of positive psychology in health – Dr Liana Lianov and Tanya McLeish

Dr Lianov will introduce positive psychology from the perspective of its key relevance to health and well-being. Her talk will help learners describe the role of positive psychology interventions in promoting health behavior change and emotional well-being, as well as in triggering physiologic benefits. Findings from major studies will be reviewed and practical activities will […]

The Coach Approach – Kelly Davis-Martin and Shivaun Conn

Join Kelly Davis-Martin to learn more about what health and wellness coaching is and how it can be used to support health outcomes in patients. Gain insights about the theories and models that inform the coach approach, what skills practitioners can implement and how to help increase the capacity of patients. And finally, hear how […]

The Grinding Gears of The Nocturnal Brain – What sleep disorders tell us about the functioning of the brain – Dr Guy Leschziner and Dr Cheryl Wilson

The world of sleep medicine has moved away from the respiratory. In recent years, we have begun to understand the various neurological functions of sleep and the neurobiological basis of sleep disorders. In this presentation, Guy will examine what sleep disorders tell us about the nature of sleep, its neurological regulation, and its implications for […]

Becoming a Self-Transforming Leader – Coach Margaret Moore and Stephen Penman

Integrating the frameworks of transformational leadership and science-based coaching competencies, Coach Meg will explore how to be a self-transforming leader. The session will help you reflect on the growth edges that the pandemic is making more visible. Then the session explores how you can leverage and transcend growth edges and become a self-transforming leader.

All in her head? The nature, nurture and plasticity of the female brain – Dr Sarah McKay and Shivaun Conn

The brain is dynamic, and each new experience and life transition changes neural architecture. Understanding how the female mind and brain is sculpted by nature – genes, hormones, thoughts, feelings and beliefs – and nurture – life experiences, society and culture – is key to health.Sarah shares the unexpected insights gained from researching and writing […]

LIVE PANEL – Leading change through education in Lifestyle Medicine – Jordhana Clark, Dr Tonya Cramer, Dr Beth Frates, A/Prof Darren Morton, Dr Mechelle Palma, Stephen Penman and A/Prof John Stevens

This live panel Leading Change Through Education in Lifestyle Medicine sees a panel of academics and educators from Australia, the US and the Philippines discuss where we’re at with education in Lifestyle Medicine. Facilitated by Jordhana Clark, ASLM’s Education Coordinator the panel includes: Dr Tonya Cramer – Project Director of a residency program in Lifestyle […]

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