
Additional reading Multicultural encounters (Bray, 2019) Cultural considerations in healthcare (Ausmed, 2019) How to care for patients from different cultures (Ferwerda, 2016) How to: Managing cultural diversity in community care (Bray, 2015) Building a more complete client picture (Shallcross, 2013). This article discusses the ecological perspective which takes into account the many systems that influence […]


Additional reading Healthcare cooperatives: A reliable enterprise model for health and wellbeing (UN, 2018) This paper is linked to the Cooperatives in Social Development EGM held in 2019. It focussed on the role of cooperatives in providing universal health care and eradicating rural poverty. Indigenous kinship: The heart of indigenous society. Indigenous society has three […]

Learning outcomes & presentations

Learning outcomes Describe what a health cooperative is List factors to consider in cross-cultural communication Presented by Hùng Nguyen, General Practitioner and Medical and Cultural Educator, and Jenny Ockwell, Wurundjeri woman and Manager of Aboriginal Health Services


Additional reading The Waitangi Tribunal’s WAI 2575 Report: Implications for decolonizing health systems (Came et al., 2020) Māori Indigenous Health Framework in action: Addressing ethnic disparities in healthcare (Al-Busaidi et al., 2018). The article provides an overview of the Indigenous Health Framework (IHF), and is comprised of two conceptualisations: the Hui Process and the Meihana […]

Learning outcomes & presentations

Learning outcomes Describe the Hui process and the Meihana model Describe at least one Māori model of health Presented by Glen Davies, MBChB, Dip Obst, FRNZCGP PhD, General Practitioner, and Hine Loughlin, Nurse Practitioner


Additional reading Statement on best practices when providing care to Māori patients and their whanau (Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ), 2006) Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: A literature review and recommended definition (Curtis et al., 2019) Te Pae Mahutonga: A model for Maori health promotion (Durie, […]

Learning outcomes & presentations

Learning outcomes Define cultural competence and cultural safety Summarise Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi Describe the health inequities in New Zealand Describe the Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) and values Describe Māori models for health Presentations Presented by Ella Ewens, Optometrist, Public Health student, Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner     […]


Additional reading Nutritional considerations in Aboriginal health (Ngyuen, 2021) Journey of wellbeing: A preliminary Aboriginal model of care based on documented examples of best practice across NSW (Mental Health Commission of New South Wales, 2020) Working with ATSI people (Life Without Barriers (LWB), 2017) Changing the narrative of ATSI health (Fogarty et al., 2018) Aboriginal […]

Learning outcomes & presentations

Learning outcomes Describe the difference between cultural inclusion and cultural responsiveness Describe how to build trust and rapport in cross-cultural relationships  Presentations Presented by Prof R.V (Bob) Morgan, Ed.D, Gumilaroi man, Aboriginal educator and researcher

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