Additional resources 2.5

Articles 10-year follow up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group et al., 2009) (paywall) Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Assessing the real world effectiveness of the Healthy Eating Activity and Lifestyle (HEAL™) program (Hetherington et al., 2015) The HEAL program (Exercise & Sports Science Australia […]

Presentation 2.5

Presented by A/Prof Darren Morton, BEd (Hons), MAppSc, PhD, FASLM and Jenny Rowe, RN Download the slides for this presentation here: Lifestyle Medicine intervention programs Part A Lifestyle Medicine intervention programs Part B Part A Part B

Recommended reading 2.5

Recommended reading American College of Lifestyle Medicine expert panel discussion: Implementing intensive therapeutic lifestyle change programs (Rippe et al., 2017) (paywall) Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Programs: A progressive way to successfully manage health care (Mechley & Dysinger, 2015)  (paywall) International Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD), n.d.) Ornish […]

Learning outcomes 2.5

Identify the features that define a “Lifestyle Medicine” intervention Explain the structure, approach and evidence-base for recognised lifestyle interventions including the: Ornish “Undo it” program, Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), Life!, HEAL and Lift Project Appraise the important components of lifestyle interventions that may contribute to them achieving positive outcomes

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