Required and recommended reading 1.1

Required reading Time to set the record straight – What Lifestyle Medicine is, and what it is not (Penman, 2019) Recommended reading Physician competencies for prescribing Lifestyle Medicine (Lianov and Johnson, 2010) The emergence of “lifestyle medicine” as a structured approach for management of chronic disease (Egger et al., 2009) Beyond obesity and lifestyle: A review […]

Presentation references 1.1

Egger, G. J. (2018). Defining a structure and methodology for the practice of lifestyle medicine. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 12(5), 396-403. Egger, G. J., Binns, A. F., & Rössner, S. R. (2009). The emergence of “lifestyle medicine” as a structured approach for management of chronic disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(3), 143-145. […]

Presentation 1.1

Presented by Dr Sam Manger, Vice President of ASLM, MBBS (MD), BSc, FRACGP, FASLM, Medical Educator Presentation 

Additional resources 1.1

Further reading Defining a structure and methodology for the practice of Lifestyle Medicine (Egger, 2018) (Paywall) How should we define health? (Huber et al., 2011) Lifestyle medicine potential for reversing a world of chronic disease epidemics: From cell to community (Sagner et al., 2014) Podcasts How to promote Lifestyle Medicine in the clinic, curriculum, community  (17:28 minutes) […]

Learning outcomes 1.1

Describe key stages in the development of LM Explain core concepts – what LM is Compare and contrast definitions of LM Describe the ‘pillars’ and scope of LM Differentiate the role of LM, and from other fields – what LM is not Discriminate between issues in LM

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