Articles 100 most powerful life coaching questions Stop confusing habits for routines: what you need to know Therapeutic alliance The impact of motivational interviewing training on rehabilitation counselors: Assessing working alliance and client engagement. A randomized controlled trial (Torres et al., 2019) (paywall) Therapeutic alliance in dietetic practice for weight loss: Insights from health coaching (Nagy […]
Conn, S., & Curtain, S. (2019). Health coaching as a lifestyle medicine process in primary care. Australian Journal of General Practice, 48(10), 677-680. https://doi:10.31128/AJGP-07-19-4984 Department of Health. (2019). PIP QI incentive guidance. Retrieved from Dweck, C. (2012). Mindset: How you can fulfil your potential: Constable & Robinson. Farnam Street. (2015). Carol Dweck: A summary […]
Presented by Simon Matthews, FASLM, MHlthSci, DipIBLM, MAPS and Kim Poyner, RN, Practice Nurse, Health Coach Download the slides for this presentation here: Health coaching – Introduction Presentation
Required reading Health coaching as LM process (Conn & Curtain, 2019) Health and wellness literature (Sforzo et al., 2018) Recommended reading A systematic review of the literature on health and wellness coaching: defining a behavioural intervention in healthcare (Wolever et al., 2013) Does health coaching work? (Evidence Centre for Health Education East of England, 2014) […]
Describe what health coaching is Construct health coaching outcomes and define SMART lifestyle goals Cite the theoretical base for health and wellness coaching Summarise the evidence-base for effective coaching that promotes health behaviour change and improves health outcomes Explain the practice considerations