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Monash Nutrition online courses for health professionals

At a time when food and nutrition information is at an all-time high, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation about food-based recommendations for health. The Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food, Monash University (Monash Nutrition) have developed a suite of online courses for healthcare professionals (including GPs, nurses and midwives) to help will improve knowledge of nutrition and health topics, and give practical skills for providing simple nutrition and food-based advice to patients. These courses have been developed as flexible, online courses to help suit the learning needs of busy health professionals

Along with courses for healthcare professionals, Monash Nutrition have also developed a free course for the public, called Food as Medicine, which doctors and healthcare professionals can recommend to their patients.

Courses include:

Food, Exercise and the Gut

On this two-week course you will grow your understanding of gut health and learn current information on food, exercise and its effects on the gastrointestinal tract. You will explore subjects like exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome and nutritional intervention – leaving the course with an improved understanding that you can apply in your practice. Click here to learn more.

Start dates:

  • 19 April 2021
  • 26 July 2021
  • 4 October 2021

Food and Inflammation

This two-week course focuses on the current evidence surrounding the impact of nutrition and foods on development and treatment of chronic low-grade inflammation, and potential subsequent disease development. Presenting the latest evidence, it will focus on two main topics; inflammation and disease, and inflammation and foods. Click here to learn more.

Start dates:

  • 3 May 2021
  • 16 August 2021
  • 8 November 2021

Food, Fertility and Pregnancy

This two week course focuses on the current evidence surrounding the role of nutrition, and the foods we eat, on fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Presenting the latest evidence on nutrition, it will focus on two main topics; Foods and Fertility, and Foods and Pregnancy. Click here to learn more.

Start dates:

  • 17 May 2021
  • 30 August 2021
  • 22 November 2021

Food and our Genome

This two-week course introduces the science of nutritional genomics; from basic genetics, through to nutrient regulated gene-expression, how our genetics may impact nutrient requirements, and practical considerations for healthcare practice. Click here to learn more.

Start dates:

  • 19 April 2021
  • 26 July 2021
  • 4 October 2021

Food as Medicine

This course introduces the concept of food as medicine and is designed for the general public. Your patients will explore how food can be important both in preventative health and as an aid in the management of certain chronic diseases today, in the past and in the future. Patients will also learn about what’s in food that gives it the potential to improve our health and how to recognise which types of foods are essential for health and wellbeing, and how food can play an important role in treating/preventing disease. This is a free online course. Click here to learn more.

Start dates:

  • 7 June 2021;
  • 18 October 2021

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