Lifestyle Medicine 2022 team

Looking back: Lifestyle Medicine 2022 conference, ‘The evolution of practice’

It goes without saying we were beyond excited to see most of you in-person in Cairns last month for our international conference, Lifestyle Medicine 2022, ‘The evolution of practice’. We’re still buzzing from the hugs, smiles, connection, and knowledge shared. The caliber of speakers and the enthusiasm of panellists, MCs, attendees, and students made this year’s conference yet another wonderful success, so a massive “thank you” to each and every one of you. 

We had conversations and presentations around, but not limited to (of course!): 

  • Lifestyle Medicine approaches in natural disaster responses 
  • Shared Medical Appointments 
  • Cultural competency in practice 
  • Greening your practice 
  • Transforming a client’s mindset for change 
  • Technologies to support the implementation of Lifestyle Medicine 
  • Applying Lifestyle Medicine to practice 

Additionally, we had a wide range of abstracts, opportunities for daily guided movement, and plenaries with Dr Joanna McMillan and Dr Darren Morton. We cannot, and will not, forget the dancing skills of the brilliant Simon Matthews. 

A huge thank you to our sponsors this year. We trust you made valuable connections at the conference, and we genuinely look forward to continuing our work with each and every one of you as we continue to share the resources, technologies, tools, and programs that will help practitioners and the public strive for a healthier, happier Australia and New Zealand. 

Check out some of our favourite moments from Lifestyle Medicine 2022 below, beautifully captured by Raymond Setiadi.

Please be sure to tag us on socials for anything you’d like to share – conference or otherwise – so we can all stay better connected as we go about the rest of 2022. 

And with that, we’ll see your bright smiles in Melbourne in 2023!

Next year’s conference,  LM23: BETTER HEALTH FOR ALL , will be a two-day event offering high-level training for health professionals in the application of Lifestyle Medicine. Specifically, LM23 will focus on inclusive and responsive health practices for disadvantaged and minority populations.

Early bird registrations for LM23 are expected to open in September 2022. To stay informed and ensure you don’t miss the announcement, please sign up to our mailing list.

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