2.2 Health Coaching – Introduction

Sforzo et al’s (2018) Health and Wellness Coaching (HWC) Compendium provides substantial evidence for a clinical intervention yielding a positive impact on the chronic, often lifestyle-related diseases, scourging our modern health care…

1.9 Professional role & scope of practice

Lifestyle interventions are likely best accomplished by physicians working with nutritionists/dietitians, exercise physiologists, behavioural therapists, and a variety of other health care professionals. While the majority of…

1.8 Practitioners personal behaviour and role modelling

Practitioners’ abilities to motivate patients to adopt healthy habits can be enhanced by practicing and demonstrating healthy personal lifestyles. Practitioners with healthy personal practices are more likely to discuss prevention…

1.7 Cultural considerations

What is culturally responsive care? By Carteret (2010)  The term culturally responsive care is defined as an extension of patient centred-care that includes paying particular attention to social and cultural factors in managing medical encounters…

1.5 LM practice – Practice processes

In this module, we provide a systematic approach to gather biometric measures and vital signs that can inform your clinical practice and assist in screening and diagnosing lifestyle-related risk factors. We talk through the SNAP…

1.4 LM practice and MOC

Egger et al. (2017, p. 11) provide some practice principles for Lifestyle Medicine. They provide a starting point for practice in the field and include the following: …

1.2 LM evidence

Where possible, we use evidence-based information to make recommendations for lifestyle-based prescriptions. However, as lifestyle interventions in medicine are a growth area, there is still…