LMFA Final Assessment

LMFA Learning Outcomes Upon completing this course, you should be able to: Describe Lifestyle Medicine in terms of its definitions, scope and context, processes and applications Illustrate the evidence-base for Lifestyle Medicine across its key domains Utilise Lifestyle Medicine in practice, including nutrition, physical activity, sleep physiology, social connection, tobacco cessation and more Apply practical […]

3.7 Fundamentals of managing risky alcohol use – Introduction

Litt and West (2017, pp. 356-359)  “Hazardous alcohol consumption is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. The leading causes of death are liver disease followed by road crash injury, cancer, and suicide. More people (particularly those amongst 15to 19-year-olds) die from the acute effects of alcohol, while more of those 45 years and over died […]

3.6 Fundamentals of tobacco cessation – Introduction

“The extraordinarily harmful health consequences of tobacco addiction are appreciated by most health care providers and by many tobacco users. Most smokers want to quit, and as many as 40% try to quit each year, but most fail. Despite the severe threat to health and the poor odds of quitting, treatment of tobacco addiction is […]

3.5 Health benefits of nature & social inclusion

“Aesop tells a story of a man who had four sons. The father loved them very much, but they troubled him greatly, for they were always fighting with one another. Nothing the father said stopped their quarreling. “What can I do to show my sons how wrong it is to act this way?” the father thought. One day he […]

3.4 Salutogenesis

In this module we explore positive health—well-being beyond the mere absence of disease. Positive Health empirically identifies health assets by determining factors that predict health and illness over and above conventional risk factors. Biological health assets might include, for example, high heart rate variability, high levels of HDL, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Subjective health assets might include positive emotions, life satisfaction, hope, optimism, […]

3.3 Sleep physiology

“As many as 80% of people will suffer from a sleep problem at some stage in their life ranging from mild transient insomnia to severe and crippling narcolepsy… At any given time as many as 30-50% of people will have difficulty sleeping. Modern lifestyles are often in direct competition with sleep, so much so that […]

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