Deprescription in reversed type-2 diabetes melitus

Deprescription in reversed type-2 diabetes melitus Evidence, now, abound that Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be successfully reversed, and maintained with non-pharmacological therapies1,2,3,4. Reversal of type 2 diabetes can be achieved with metabolic surgery, low-caloric diets and carbohydrate restriction4. Patients with type 2 diabetes presenting to a lifestyle physician for disease reversal can be a […]

Self-care for health professional students: Lifestyle Medicine, mindfulness & Monash University’s Health Enhancement Program

Self-care for health professional students: Lifestyle Medicine, mindfulness & Monash University’s Health Enhancement Program It is amazing how little most health professional students are taught about lifestyle management, self-care and mindfulness throughout their training. This deficit in training has a number of negative implications. Such skills are central to training the informed, competent and safe […]

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