Current projects

As part of our vision for for all Australians and New Zealanders to be happier, healthier, and living longer through lifestyle as medicine, ASLM is leading a number of initiatives that seek to drive the implementation of Lifestyle Medicine into clinical practice and community settings as well develop new opportunities to equip and empower health professionals with access to evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine training and tools.

Shared Medical Appointments

Pioneering an innovative and inclusive model of care for chronic disease prevention and management.

ASLM has been involved in pioneering SMAs in Australasia for some years, including conducting pilot trials, and advocating for the concept to be recognised within the current MBS reimbursement system. Currently, ASLM is training hundreds of practitioners and SMA facilitators in medical centres around the country through a number of Primary Health Networks.

Lifestyle Medicine Locals

Local hubs of Lifestyle Medicine designed to improve social and individual health and wellbeing in the communities.

ASLM is expanding on its mission to improve the health of Australians and New Zealanders with an innovative program to bring Lifestyle Medicine to your community, neighbourhood, and into the homes on your street.

Lifestyle Medicine Education

Establishing Lifestyle Medicine as standard best practice in prevention and healthcare.

The Lifestyle Medicine Education (LMEd) project ultimately aims to ensure that all practitioners, whether medical or allied health, receive education in Lifestyle Medicine.

Engagement and Advocacy

Promoting cross-discipline engagement with Lifestyle Medicine.

The Multidisciplinary Engagement and Advocacy (LMMe) project has been designed to promote engagement with, and uptake of, Lifestyle Medicine amongst the medical and allied health disciplines that are central to the delivery of primary health care.

Lifestyle Medicine Prescription

Developing clinical resources for lifestyle medicine for lifestyle prescription.

The government ‘Lifescripts’ initiative was de-funded in 2014, leaving an unmet need for resources to support practitioners and patients in lifestyle change. The LMRx project is placed to fill this need, providing clinical resources and training for primary care practitioners.

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Support us in continuing to provide valuable education, training, and resources to professionals and community improving the healthcare and wellbeing for all.

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Phone: +61 03 7020 6996